Sunday, November 25, 2012

Barbarian Whirlwind and weapons APS relationship

Many player have some confusion for Attacks per Second in Diablo 3, I explain a few points.

First For example, suppose I have a panel display hammer 1.2 Attacks per Second, assume that I was equipped with only a hammer, as the main hand, deputies empty, then the Attacks per Second in the panel is 1.2.

And if my hands are equipped with weapons, and then double- Award held 15% Attacks per Second. That does not require any addition Attacks per Second, my original 1.2 Attacks per Second will be displayed in the panel, Attacks per Second 1.38 = 1.2 * (1 +15%).

1. Assuming my secondary is a 1.66 Attacks per Second dagger, also enjoy the reward of 1.15 Attacks per Second, Attacks per Second by 1.66 becomes 1.5 * (1 +15%) = 1.909, Diablo 3 panel keep the decimal point 2, the panel display secondary Attacks per Second 1.91.

Attacks per Second need players attack the main secondary to switch the display.

2. Attacks per Second weapon in addition, only these to effective weapons, as I mentioned in a dagger, dagger Attacks per Second 1.5.

If +11% Attacks per Second affixes panel then 1.5 * (1 +11%) = 1.66, so the panel displays the dagger Attacks per Second is 1.66, but the Attacks per Second addition other equipment not the effective weapons.

So why some player like an ax, is because the ax the basis Attacks per Second is 1.3, and 8.3% higher than the hammer Attacks per Second 1.2, equivalent to saving a + Attacks per Second affixes.

3. But weapons Attacks per Second Addition, clothes, and jewelry Attacks per Second Addition two weapons at the same time, if my hands are a hammer, then both hands are 1.38 Attacks per Second.

If I have two pieces of equipment each +9% Attacks per Second, it becomes my two weapons panel Attacks per Second 1.38 * 1.09 * 1.09 = 1.64.

4. Echoing Fury, Attacks per Second Unlike weapons addition, it affixes +0.2 xAttacks per Second of two weapons.  diablo 3 gold

More importantly, this addition, even enjoy the rewards of all Attacks per Second Addition. Take a hammer, the foundation Attacks per Second is 1.2, then the 0.2x addition is added to 1.2 rather than multiplied Attacks per Second Plus, Attacks per Second amplification.

The formula (1.2 +0.2 x) * 1.15 (dual holding awards) * 1.09 (+9% Attacks per Second) * 1.09 (+9% Attacks per Second) multiplication distributive law, we can see the 0.2x will be back All Attacks per Second Addition multiplied so quite a metamorphosis.

Previously it was generally think the small cyclone Attacks per Second and damage are only associated with the primary weapon Attacks per Second and damage.

After tests proved the following several arguments:

1. small whirlwind attack speed in accordance with the current weapons Attacks per Second injury in accordance with the main hand weapon damage,

2. Therefore in the case of different main deputy Attacks per Second, small whirlwind Attacks per Second will be different.

3. But even though according to the deputy Attacks per Second trigger small whirlwind, still will not trigger the fear effect.

If you have no Echoing Fury, using high Attacks per Second weapon in secondary weapons (such as daggers, Swords), so that the small cyclone has 50% chance of skills to obtain high DPH harm from primary, but also support by secondary.

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