Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mage 10MP common Build detailed analysis


1, Continuous release meteorite control over the poor, even with frozen meteorite.

2, Bombardment range is small, at least, it looks smaller than the cohesive energy of shelling.

3, Attack power is not high compared Shaped shelling.

Frozen meteorite replaced 7 bursts, the second issue is resolved, the third question is also greatly improved, the first question?

While to put the the meteorite ice ring and diamond brush is still fast, put meteorites out of the ice ring, meteorite also interrupted less, that more than three problems have improved significantly.

The test can really bombardment range, control, attack power has certain able degree of upgrading.

Just yesterday a 400K DPS and 75K Blood Demon Hunter, an infinite ancestors Hammer of barbarians, a resistance to fight and play monks pulled me to play the 10MP the machine. diablo 3 gold

On the go with a set of Build, the results can also be pretty good, especially in the last group, I dropped back when the three of them did in the past, before all relaxing.

Four of us in the past easily through the siege beast just violent death, violent, but there are 1/10 to 1/20 of the blood.

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