Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Diablo 3 monster enemy hp is a BUG next patch will fix

Diablo 3 monster enemy hp next patch will fix a lot of players should come across a group of monsters, there are a few monsters and players before contact HP dissatisfaction. Community Manager Grimiku said they have recorded and ready to fix in the next patch.


In the past two weeks, every game I would encounter this problem. I found about every five monsters will have a monster's blood before I met them declined. Many of my friends also found this problem. Others noticed? Who know how/why it happened? Blizzard has noticed this problem?

Thank you for your posts! Ourselves during games has also been found in this issue. We found their proportion of the value of life in the refresh of the monster, before any harm is not correct (this is because the monster strength of the system led to). We plan the next patch repair, but this is not a serious BUG We also do not have the accurate time can tell you.

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