Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Diablo 3 fast pinnacle level, 70 million experience one hour

From the Diablo 3 beta to now, I play Monk has 933 hours. LV94 at present, the equipment is fairly general, 100K DPS from 1.05 era, I believe a lot of people equipment are better than me.

First of all, I introduce the brush map route, there may be some of the majority of players do not like, since opened 1.05, a large number of monster blood drop, I found the helicopter flow can be easily harvested 0 difficulty little monster, little monster up Mo too fortress the second floor of the second floor and the giant pit.

So this simple and fast leveling route:

Stronghold 3 - Fortress 2 - giant pit - after brushing reset.

Why brush Stronghold 3? Rapid superimposed BUFF, Stronghold 3 good luck to encounter a group of elite, the map also many little monsters, 5F BUFF, but more than 75% of the experience!

The helicopter flow mowing equipment and skills requirements, and believe that the players are familiar with this genre know, want to ensure that the case Tempest Rush 12 points refined gas recovery must not heap attack speed.

We are now in order as soon as possible seckilled small monster, skills and equipment, there requirements:

Skills: I chose Mantra of Conviction Submission, Mantra of Conviction increase the damage with a Submission, you will find that is a must; addition, winds back to the gas, storm raid 25% movement speed, passive guardian Road, resonate these is a must.

Other skills based on individual circumstances can mix and match, not necessarily Wave of Light from, in order to quickly kill the elite, I was brought; ponley I chose Thunder vitality the refined gas accidentally broken quickly back to the gas, can also be Deadly Reach 18% damage stacked higher winds damage; Then I chose the Air Ally, you will find that the Air Ally with the 18K damage thieves baby, can I save a lot of errands errand up the knife, you can also replaced blindness by 30%, but also damage stack breeze.

Passive 10% movement speed can also be based on individual circumstances refined gas is not enough to replace the 250 essence, for the full 59% movement speed (passive 10 equipment 24% Storm 25%), I suggest you choose this, because the set skill 0 difficulty , 100K DPS, you do not have to consider the viability.

Equip: I said the equipment requirements are very cheap, and 2.2 essence recovery helmet + Jordan 2.2 essence recovery Ring, 1300 + and white 180 + critical damage Sri Lanka Cowen, a few pieces of equipment is necessary, money friends can choose Inna 4 pieces + vampire Adams Cowen, of course, no money can be used to kill restore 1000 + instead just better not bounce damage Rare casual play, look at the resort.

Helmet and ring bit requirement is to try to choose 2.2 refined gas recovery above, so you open the Mantra of "Conviction essence restore enough 12 points or 12 points refined gas recovery run up the essence will be fewer and fewer not smooth; Sri Cowen ax must white as high as possible, critical damage as high as possible, so as to seckill little monsters, restore, then saving departure can be considered with a kill to restore 1000 +, the market is very cheap, less than 5 million Diablo 3 gold.

No other equipment requirements, based on the needs of everyone. I believe that the equipment configuration from the Diablo 3 beta now, each player should be able to easily get to. A full set of add up to less than 20 million D3 gold.

In fact, I build and equipment configuration does not stack Wind injury, also can ran on seckill the monster, or that the next stack breeze stack breeze under the premise of not for equipment, not-for-skills, bring blinding and off the air wave is enough, if you really want to stack higher achieve ran seckill monster, was put on high agility, high critical equipment; however, because sometimes want to return to the city or the accidental death of the breeze off the facelift stack wind will slightly affect efficiency, it is not recommended to brush up is not smooth.

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