Monday, December 10, 2012

The limited tank TOGII fierce battle LV7 overlord IS

With the the 0.8.2 launch of three new special tanks, I can not wait to enter the Russian server, test work is carried out on three special tanks. The first test is to look like a huge caterpillar TOGII. LV6 car with seven guns too advantage of it?

Server less to even the 7V7, 8 MM.

About the online rumors TOGII will 8 room regulars rumors, I wore Russian server 200 ping suffering, pitched battle one afternoon, TOGII actually are not assigned to more than 7 rooms.

I'm driving a heavy gunboat "into the theater, will be a file search speed quickly, quickly exchanged fire with the opponent. TOGII with high precision in the slow-moving, from a meeting between the parties on a series of hit opponents. In addition, ordinary silver projectile penetration depth of up to 171 mm, 76 caliber artillery armored ignore any opponents in the room.

The tricky angle can breakdown, LV7 gun is really very giving power!

Opponents do not need to be afraid of the face of higher penetration depth, continuous precise hit the opponent can just stabilize the mentality. The firing rate of the situation in five seconds with the 1400 value of life to ignore any same-level tank opponents crawler is interrupted difficult to be adjourned.

Even encounter killer Max at the same level as long as the fight to stabilize the rate of fire, win!


TOGII is an emphasis on firepower and tanks of the value of life, its slow movement speed easily in open artillery delicious, but most used to playing a heavy tank players are already familiar with the play as soon as possible into the city Artillery, which virtually greatly increased chance of survival TOGII. For the same level of the tank, regardless of whether it is a "full body", as long as TOGII hit, in the face of fierce firepower, it can be said that only a dead end! (The above TOGII data for the Russian server test results)

7V7 room, the head and the chance of damage output just does not even lost income is also good.

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