Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Sin War: masked prophet" Chapter V

Chapter V

Grinned Zulun Chin for their own success, and his smile even neotenous like most of the kids. He had hoped that this special spell - a few months ago, he tried to reach another purpose of this spell - to cause a sufficient degree of unrest, thus Azeri Neanderthal people distracted by his care, but even in his most daring vision, did not expect that there will be a great success today. In fact, his ability to go far beyond his own estimate.

The these dead guy no little trouble to Zulun Tim. He was very clear to each carriage, who, although the middle of some small trouble, but no one is aware of the Farthing adults was murdered. These people are more likely to suspect the murderous scheme under Uldyssian, while Zulun decided will try to inflame them, I am afraid that rumors about Edyrem indiscriminate violence soon spread well known.

It will also cause the Master to this capture the behavior of the rebels more compelling ... if he even Master tribal council bother to tell, it's another matter. His mind constantly circled these thoughts again consider how to get more and more force.

He has the most powerful force, to let each Master surrender in their own feet.

On Zulun own feelings, and no witnesses survived, all processes are in the plan. He has been long in the distant furtive peeping Uldyssian few days, while the other side with the businessman's encounter is the big bearded mage urgently desired. The Asser Neanderthal man lost his hands behind his back, and so the development of the whole situation completely meet Zulun expected.

Even so, in order to be sure, the Master or the guards command: "to check to ensure that does not leave any to live on. Seize the time, and go now."

These guys were reluctant to go, and obviously very unhappy feeling that he's calling the shots. Zulun staring at them quickly toward the those corrupted carriage, involuntary mind began to think about how to deal with Arcelor Neanderthal people have the power. Of course, this is just the trance let the actions of those guards completely escaped his expectations.

The bushes to the left of him began to shake, and then a big man came up to him dragging his booty. Zulun easily recognizable Tai Luer that is too narrow head.

"Aha! Catch him! Great, Tai Luer!"

Grunted his minions, then that body grasp tighter. Zulun ventured summon a bunch of light shining on the face of the Azeri Neanderthal approached looked and said: "do not like how they say this this guy and less like a farmer. Oh However, this still than gold worth it, Tai Luer? "

However, this big man was staring at his master. Tai Luer ugly faces two eyebrows furrowed, and could see that he seems to be thinking about what's going on.

"May not be good, they're back." Finally, he suddenly declared Road, while Zulun years have seldom heard him say a complete sentence.

Tai Luer straightforward remarks Master strengthen felt before. He looked at the guards who search for survivors in the distance, and then make a decision: "Yes, I do not know whether he could continue to cast ......"

He bent down to explore the earlier he painted in soft ground, a pattern. Part of the pattern has been damaged by his footsteps, but the remedy is a very easy thing for him. Before the cast that he has almost exhausted, but I do not know why he felt that he still has enough strength to complete this final task.

Zulun Qin raised his own wand and made a sign to the top of the pattern. Road spell his design does not need to sing loudly, because any noise may cause to the attention of the other party, or because of a similar situation and make the other vigilance.

The Staff issued while waving Rune faint light. After a few moments, the pattern on the ground immediately divergence same light.

Came over from nearby carriage the branches rustling leaves friction, but those guards were half-hidden in the dark the move people feel they did not find that there is anything wrong.

As before, these trees bend down their branches and vines. They are extremely accurate hit six guards.

The first guy had no chance to cry out, vines, tightly wrapped his mouth and throat, the leaves stop the drilling which. His next accomplices soon suffered the same fate -

Branches tightly wrapped, but he still managed to call for help soon make others sit up immediately. A guard caught him jump, can second victim has both feet off the ground to fly up.

Their leaders and immediately point to direction Zulun. The four surviving soldiers immediately rushed to the Master of the past, their purpose is no longer clear. However, two of them only to dash forward a step, and another guy is not much better. They had to cut it in front of these look extremely dangerous plants, extremely sharp weapons in the hands of these people, a time simply can not move forward.

Finally, even if the fate of the officers and everyone else as miserable as his last curses and even reached the Master ears. The vines then tightly wrapped in his throat, not long before he had already suffocated.

Large trees dragged these corpses quickly disappeared from view. They will be placed in an area away from here, the carnivores will soon all traces will be wiped out. Natural, Zulun their disappearance and death will be planted to Uldyssian head, while the this Azeri Neanderthal man did not have a chance to prove his innocence to the others.

Zulun satisfied with the lower staves, then their feet to smear pattern full of mud. He suddenly called and stagger, apparently cast just has he completely overdrawn.

Fortunately, Tai Luer immediately held onto him. This guy assist Zulun to climb up his horse, then start viewing still motionless Uldyssian of.

Zu Lunqin sip from his waist and pulled out a bottle of port wine, and then nodded. This evening's task very well. He even than expected to more easily capture their prey. Master believe that their future will be to get rid of the humble identity, even if the meteoric rise is also not a bad idea.

However Zulun Master Parliament has decided not to tell himself a success. He explained yourself being opportunistic arrested Uldyssian, the the Azeri Neanderthal man just crazy massacre of an entire caravan and a large number of distinguished parliamentary guards. In the eyes of the Parliament, he has undoubtedly failed - and some people will be happy to see him fail - however Zulun understand the key things, and also aware of the truth behind. After all, why did he want such a prey to them, those guys will only do this no advocate of the quarrel. Uldyssian should be in the hands of a people who know how to use his talent to the best results.

Zulun to catch horses rolled in the vicinity. , Tai Luer, "he accountable to the same has launched a servant with tasks ordered him returned to the town holding a horse pack the Azeri Neanderthal man. Inconspicuous enter Cage should not be a difficult task, even if to avoid parliamentary eyeliner is also not difficult. After all, he is Zulun Qin.

"Who guard the horse how to do?" The Tai Luer call rumbling sound suddenly interrupted him.

"Uh?" Master had again minion insight expressed surprise. Yes, Tai Luer again surprisingly made the right judgment, and he must dispose of these six horses. Parliament will certainly wonder why unscathed, six horses and their riders are all invisible.

Of course, this problem compared to those troublesome front to more easily remedied. Zulun handle probe into a bag and took out a small tube. Tube into their own lips blew it.

In front of him the horse immediately covered with spastic huddled down on the ground, the other two fell in almost the same time. Any creature from their side this time after corrosive venom in their bodies are severely. Look which such Uldyssian killed others, and inhuman these horses under the hand. Zulun gang of idiots council compiled a good set of stories, episode now make his story more vivid.

All properly, it Tai Luer? Master Parliament certainly feel I have done all, may in fact has nothing to rescue, do you think? "

Tai Luer grunted in agreement.

Quma the forward Zulun feel very tired, but very satisfied with their achievements. Behind him, Tai Luer tightly holding the reins of the horse of the Uldyssian his people to remain silent Azeri Neanderthal split mouth smiled, immediately followed by the Master to go forward.

Land a nothingness in a sparkling nebula in the endless darkness kept circling. If anyone had looked at the stars, he will notice that each piece Dragonscale-like stars are reflecting the weak light.

Shone Dragonscale top, he can see every one on both the flash with a dash mark on his life. From birth to adulthood ... even the end of life. In fact, any human lives and breeds in the land of asylum can find traces of their lives from these scales.

If they see the these nebulae arrangement, perhaps it will be as a dragon, but it's not the only one.

His name was Taglio, in the exiled angel with the devil just build a prototype of refuge land, he would already exist in this world. Forged this refuge by them under the guise of the name of the creation, and also which he will accept. With the people in this land, continue to live and multiply, he also will grow, and now his fate has been inextricably linked with the whole land of asylum.

Because he knew refuge land threat from both the High Heavens and the Burning Hells hesitation he receives a the one called Rathma apprenticeship that is Inarius son. Apprentice in the ancient years once called Linas Ryan, but he had already abandoned the innate name, call themselves Rathma. Taglio found this very Italian apprentices, and even taught him many angels and even demons are extremely scarce trick strategy. Many centuries, Rathma side with him learning synergistic his side to maintain the entire land of asylum not fall into a certain kind of forces the position of absolute dominance, dragon Taglio called balance rule. State the balanced rule on behalf of the entire world to maintain a delicate checks and balances. This world completely fall into the devil in the hands, they will be destroyed to utter; no evil forces of stagnation and recession will dominate. In their minds, the best and only option is to let the forces of good and evil always maintain a state of coexistence, neither side of the position of absolute dominance.

But the premise of maintaining this balance is necessary to prevent the High Heavens found this piece of pure land, the Burning Hells apparently had been informed of its existence. In Inarius Taglio efforts demons yet raging in the land of asylum, if those angels intervene in the dispute, even ...

"Rathma, I want to talk to you." Said Taglio to dark.

That figure wearing a robe immediately appear before stars constantly flashing. "I'm coming."

"We need to prepare for those eventualities."

"I have to attend? I feel nothing to grasp."

A period in the long life of the dragon, he had other forces caught flat-footed. "Why do you think so too?"

The robes of Rathma gently fluttered their own side of the trunk, thinking positive as he keeps flashing along with flashing. "High Heavens discovered the land of refuge, they have any reason not flocked pain killer? These guys did not hesitate to reason."

"They're to examine Inarius and the Burning Hells are evaluating both what kind of attitude will be taken."

"Obviously ... the current circumstances, it may be you do not have the hunter Archie Rios counted, you know, he had tried to kill Uldyssian."

"It looks very likely your father control him, I do not quite understand what you mean." The constellation once again changing the shape, change back to the of that lingering winding ancient dragon image.

"He is not my father, this point now I'm satisfied than anyone else that I knew he was the former who did, and I know now where he had already front of him."

"So we are now back to look basically believe that the High Heavens has been found that the presence of the refuge land."

Rathma raised eyebrows: "there may be just one of the influential Archangel found."

"Only one?" Taglio side pondered this sentence, change the shape of the side again, "Only one? Did that guy will quietly sneak into the land of refuge, rather than blatant betrayal Gris Council like Inarius Like? Nobody will do it. "

"A person would only he and my father is most closely related, close like brothers, although they are not biologically. Uh, I can call him uncle, Taglio, in the eyes of the angels he and Inarius brothers. "

"Did not you say Tyrrell, right?"

The ensuing silence, as if the two of them mentioned the name, the angel will appear immediately like. After a moment Rathma or continue his discourse, but the sound was depressed to the point where ordinary people is almost impossible to catch.

"Yes, Tyrrell and I believe that the fairness and justice of the representative of the angels will be judged in its own way his brother's crimes ... the land of asylum and wrong."

Uldyssian finally woke up, he is difficult to describe themselves exactly what changes occurred. In fact, he feels that he is still in a semi-unconscious state. Anxiety and panic Delmidiss son of mind completely occupied, there is no way to concentrate.

Even in such a panic situation, Uldyssian still be able to determine one thing.

Certainly Inarius control him.

Uldyssian really could not think of who else is able to do so easily trap yourself ...... and walked over to him extraordinarily weird. The other has black skin and properly maintained beard, reveals extremely concerned about the look in the eyes, in addition to this look, no longer able to pierce the Uldyssian general thoughts such as fog.

"You hear Uldyssian hear me speak it? I make you unconscious across the backhaul, you should instruction adequate reaction."

Uldyssian trying to answer something, but he feels it is a bit his tongue, chin looks also lose control. Finally, his efforts nodded his head, which is quite satisfactory so that guy wearing robes.

"Well, then you understand, I arrested you me, is great Zulun Qin!"

His name when he quoted, thought that each other at least should eat surprised, but Uldyssian apparently simply know nothing about him. Zu Lunqin call a contemptuous tone, and then continued: "They are scared to death of you, but it turns out to catch you, but also trivial. Sometimes I even wonder whether it is worth everything I've done, but also I betrayed ... "

Uldyssian again tried to say something, but finally futile.

"You will soon be able to openings, rest assured, my friend! Before I make the final decision, I need to try to understand you about."

The this Master suddenly appeared behind a huge Peng guy. I do not know why, this boorish guy even more than Mage attracted attention of Uldyssian.

Zulun backward-looking one, and then the command: "Tai Luer! My third layer cupboard, that little black box and brought it immediately!"

The servants immediately turned Zulun obeyed, but Uldyssian is no longer paid attention to him. The poor captives feeling what I wanted to say something, but he knew what to say futile.

"Whether Tai Luer appearance makes you feel unhappy?" Master seems to have misunderstood Uldyssian reaction, then so asked the world than bad things living to you totally do not need to concern him, Arsenio Neanderthal man ... I'm the one you most need to worry about. "

Uldyssian see him lift a Staff, then whispered. Suddenly, Rod shine out numerous Rune brilliant.

Scream echoed in Delmidiss Son of ear, it took a while before he realized it was issued to. The huge pain instantaneous filled his whole body, just like every inch of skin is slowly being stripped.

"Now this is just a feeling," dressed in the robes of the Master explained, "but soon all of this will become a reality, I'll give you this demonstration, just hope that in the next you can give me the answer I need , you know? "

The Ming - understand! "Uldyssian Although every effort to blast out words at this time restore the joy of little language ability is impossible to let him Bansi broke our hearts to occupy all his senses. The chaos in his mind, but barely able to focus in Zulun? Chin's body, but that's about it. The Uldyssian now even simply engage unaware of their Shenzaihefang, just noticed that the Master sandals below stones makes up the floor.

Zulun waved his wand, slightly reduce some of the other pain. Tai Luer that huge body on his left, and at the same time brought back his earlier request that the dog **. However a servant of Zulun has not the ** handed him, but firmly holding ** in front of him.

Master to open the ** oriented Uldyssian to, then eager to gaze inside until after removed from some of the things to come. Him that it had a free hand from the grab from a small object, then this bearded Cage signaled Tai Luer immediately shut **.

"Re-put it in just the location." Road to the big man command. When the Tai Luer away, the Zulun to Uldyssian raised his own hand, to show to the other items in your palm.

Uldyssian just want to get some breathing space, but Master to show him something that made his again tightly shut up. He was very clear Zulun something laying in the hands of even more than the Master but clearly.

If he is not mistaken, it should be small pieces of identical and constitute the world of rock crystal.

But Uldyssian unable to confirm whether they really come from the huge fetish, but he knew that he had never seen anything like it in other places Crystal. Delmidiss's son can only assume Lilith or other ancient demons or angels Crystal steal a small piece of that cave, perhaps just been floating in the crystal fragments of stone around the world., Or create a stone in the world of the beginning of it has been stolen. He could not be confirmed.

In fact, the biggest trouble is it here, and on a quiet palm lying Zulun Qin.

"You perceive its intrinsic energy? Very interesting. Maybe you will eventually like parliament description you like my small stone? Since ten years ago, I am aware of its existence, I paid for it dozens of lives consideration, but even to pay double the loss is worth it even if to catch those Archmage and their men also value this is an amazing Antiquities me it too well ...... its cast very helpful, and so will you will see. "

He crouched down. Uldyssian eyes followed him closely, this time before he found himself surrounded by some mysterious runes drawn with chalk. These runes seem to control his power. Zulun these dark red stone on a special symbol above, there begins to shine.

"You'd better be honest cooperation," Zulun straight up and said, "This stone will be extreme zoom effect I want to achieve, which also includes the pain you bear."

Master raised his staff. The all runes again issued brilliantly.

At the same time, Uldyssian involuntary scream, he felt the whole to tear open the outside and no change. And all his efforts are futile against painful.

This pain comes unexpectedly away very suddenly. If you can choose, Uldyssian now prefer their heads chopped off, do not want to life and life to this suffering the torment.

Cage smiled and said softly: "Azeri Neanderthal man, just the feeling that you experience, but also can really happen to you that I can peel your whole body, the power of the stone can guarantee I easily do this reason I convinced that is because I've been tested, "he let the fact that deep piercing Uldyssian confusion consciousness," this is an easy thing, in fact -

At this time, Tai Luer suddenly rushed. Zulun apparently does not like to be interrupted, but he was ready to listen to the big man reporting things carefully.

"Upstairs ..." his minion muttered, "There are a few wear the robe of ......"

Master surface expression surfaced a glimmer of understanding. Several parliamentary guy? Is the meaning of it? "

Tai Luer immediately stop nodding.

Zulun stroking their own well-kept beard Road: "They are unlikely to several guards came, because they have to accept the cause of death of those guys. Them to explain the reasons for visiting? '

As an answer, the Tai Luer just shrugged his shoulders.

"Fool! Idiot! I have immediately to deal with this thing!" The frustration Zulun grunted and waved this big man thrown aside. However, before leaving, he stopped again said: "It also happens to give you some time to collate the information to my account, Azeri Neanderthal people I suggest you best before I came back ready Uldyssian front, then I'll interrogate you. "

Master disappear in the horizon. Tai Luer remained, his eyes have been staring at the direction of the departure of his master.

Then, this big man began some odd change, his face twisted, and become more and more the Uldyssian feel somewhat familiar, his eyes flashed the kind of sly the light that Delmidiss of sub-convinced yourself have seen before.

Tai Luer bent down to seize a piece of dark red stone on his strange face immediately filled with greedy expression. The Uldyssian be close observation of him, so soon discovered that this guy is something wrong place. Prescribe a little unusual wound near his left ear, it looks somewhat similar to burns, and obviously injuries recently.

The "Mephisto smiled at me." This minion side staring Uldyssian, muttering muttered. He talks apparently so deep, people can not believe how such a small head could accommodate so much wisdom, too contradictory.

At this time, there must be what the voice over, Uldyssian Although inaudible, but see Tai Luer suddenly be able to turn its attention elsewhere can guess. But the big man apparently felt no accident, so once again the attention on the Uldyssian body. His eyes seemed to want to see through their captives, to make Uldyssian more feel Zulun? Chin must underestimate their minions intellectual.

It is likely that a greater threat than the son of Master Delmidiss.

"Even if it has such a barbaric air force, also will soon be burned," Tai Luer he declared that, "At first I thought I would use for a long time, but maybe it has mind it less too poor, find a more intelligent alternatives interesting little later, and certainly no problem. "

The Uldyssian not know this big man mumbled something, but at least is certain is that he is definitely not going to like this guy's choice. His efforts to focus on its strengths, but Zulun the spell of his brain mass of fog, there is no way to concentrate. That spell so he can only hear yourself in front of people to speak, are completely not receive any sound a little far.

"Poor Durame," Tai Luer continue. Said, "He was provided with a body far beyond my expectations, but I did not expect to be able to catch up with you, no matter how desperately the jungle run I think near King City, I can check you - I know you will be heading toward the Cage sacrificial body - can drive a little too hard, I can burn it as soon as possible. "

Tai Luer Post sounded very educated and extremely disturbing words, his face ongoing changes in some sort of twisted. Uldyssian felt had a moment to think of it some things. Unfortunately, the damn spell his own thinking is chaos, there is no way to seize the fleeting idea.

But in front of the big man is clearly misread some expression of Uldyssian. Idiot that is about to come back, "Do not be afraid." Here I of his spell advocacy, that guy has now become more arrogant than ever, this will make him more lethal than ever mistake., Terrou Seoul pricked up his own head: "Do not think I'm whining here doing nothing, you can pay attention to the body under those Talisman, they are slowly changing I will."

As he said, Uldyssian feel the powerful energy of their own side is changed. Relentlessly oppressed by his will, the influence of his spirit continues to enlarge, Delmidiss's son suspect that even if the whole army squeezed into this small room, he may not be aware of.

In fact, there is only Tai Luer and his two men. In addition to the Uldyssian and evil minions Master, there is no anything else ...... big man on his Prisoner spoke as never like merely recognizing a moment, but rather a well-known long-standing opponent.

Do not know The why, Uldyssian in this little no doubt. At this point, however, he again began to make every effort to confrontation Rune magic, their physical strength, magical power, spiritual power, and as long as it can be used on all the forces.

Tai Luer an overly bushy eyebrows, his black eyes flashing jealous look.

His words made the unease of Uldyssian rose to a new height. Tai Luer mentioned must be Lilith. He know how that female demons?

The Uldyssian start trying to remember the big man just say what he should steal the body of of a called Durame priests came here ... right, is to use someone else's body. That means the immediate simply not true Tai Luer, he even did not a living life, and are more likely to be an evil spirit in the control of this big guy.

No, not control. If only that this minion alive. The Uldyssian now see that this monster has swallowed Tai Luer soul. Big man has apparently left the next with body, nothing else.

And now, in front of this vicious guy is preparing Delmidiss's son to do the same.   D3 gold

In this moment, the big man's eyes suddenly wide open with excitement rounded. Ah! "Everything is ready!" Crack mouth evil of smiles to Uldyssian, "by virtue of the stone and changed Talisman, I do not have to worry about your burnt I would whole will occupy you by virtue of your body, I can re-establish a sect, I was supreme Archbishop! Mephisto'll reward me, maybe will allow me to do the whole human king! "

His tone was so Uldyssian re-think of a person. But the guy has always floating in his memory of the most marginalized ...

"Get your body more comfortable than any other person, just like that, Pasadena town Essen?"

His captors mouth fell open in surprise. This feeling is horrible.

Tai Luer recognized this Prisoner finally expressed satisfaction, laughed and said: "Yes, Uldyssian, before I devour you, and I really hope you recognize me."

If possible, Uldyssian the now certain because of the suspicion and fear desperately shaking his head, but unfortunately he can not do. Even Lilith and her brother together resurrection, the most they can let his eyes open than now slightly larger.   Diablo 3 gold

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